Tom Dobinson Graphic Design

Tom Dobinson logo; need a graphic designer? Problem solved.

Tom Dobinson

Graphic Design

Please don't hesitate to get in touch.
I'm always happy to discuss your next design project.





Branding & promotions

Taking business to market can only be effective with the correct execution. Your company’s image and literature needs to demonstrate your professional ability and qualities moreover signal appeal to your target clientele through your brand style succinctly and proficiently.

Islington electoral advertisement

A campaign to encourage residents to register to vote. I really needed to get under the skin of the problem, which in this case I concluded that residents saw registering to vote as a hassle and therefore the campaign needed to dispel the myth that satisfying paper work is an inconvenience. The campaign was a great success and Islington council have now used the same advertisement 3 years running as a result.

Islington council electoral advertisement